
Leadership Books

Ecclesia Word Ministries International Store | Books | Leadership

Being a Effective Pastor

Cost: $10.00
Part of the success of the pastoral office is in his effectiveness in executing the call of God upon his life. Effective pastors are grounded in the ministry of the Word and prayer. They put God and the things of God first and endeavor to avoid the pitfalls that destroy their anointing. The pastoral ministry often places the pastor in extreme situations with high stakes: success or failure, acceptance or rejection, vindication or humiliation, life or death. Dr. John Tetsola lays out in this book a clear path of pursuit in becoming effective as a pastor. In this book you will be grounded in the following areas: • Understanding the habits and principles of effective pastors • The marks of maturity for a pastor • The secret of successful pastors • The pitfalls of an effective pastor • And much more

Leadership Secrets for Successful Advancement

Cost: $15.00
Leadership advancement and growth is never an accident or coincidence. It is based on a deliberate, determined desire to grow ones’ potential to a place of excellence and a hunger to excel in the leading of others.

Leadership Truths and Wisdom for Excelling in the Kingdom Volume Four

Cost: $12.00
Truths for Strong Leadership Chgaracter

Leadership Truths and Wisdom for Excelling in the Kingdom Volume One

Cost: $10.00
Truths for Navigating Leadership Obstacles

Leadership Truths and Wisdom for Excelling in the Kingdom Volume Three

Cost: $8.00
Truths for Avoiding Leadership Setbacks

Leadership Truths and Wisdom for Excelling in the Kingdom Volume Two

Cost: $10.00
Truths for Leadership Team Essentials

The Difficulties of Pastoring

Cost: $7.00
It is often said that the pastor’s job is one of the hardest jobs in America. Being a pastor is hard work. It is not for wimps. This is the reality. The job of a pastor can be 24/7 and carry unique challenges. Some pastors wear themselves out trying to help people. Some wound their families because they are so involved in ministry. In many situations, the pastor needs to be a Bible teacher, accountant, strategist, visionary, computer tech, counselor, worship director, prayer warrior, mentor, fundraiser and leadership trainer. Who can be all of that? Dr. John Tetsola in this book helps to bring understanding and clarity concerning the difficulties of the pastoralship and some insights on how it can be cured. In this book, you will learn the following: • Understanding the difficult challenges for pastors in the church • The difficulties pastors face in their personal life • Dealing with discouragement in ministry • Remedies for pastoral weariness • Pastoring difficult people • And much more

The Pastors Role and Responsibility

Cost: $7.00
The goal of the pastor is to reveal the Glory of God in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit to a people who need God’s grace for life. Pastors do not seek fame or recognition for themselves, but they are placed in a position of authority by the Holy Spirit. This spiritual gift is one that carries many different responsibilities. These responsibilities can often become very overwhelming and when not handled properly can cause a pastor to quit. Dr. Tetsola in this book brings understanding to the pastor’s responsibilities and several helpful points. In this book, you will learn the following: • The spiritual gift of the pastors • The traditional versus the contemporary roles of the pastor • The pastor’s responsibilities in ministry • Practical points for endurance in ministry • And much more

The Shepherd's Hurt and Disappointments

Cost: $15.00
Pastoring churches has sunken to near the bottom of the list of most respectable vocations by most observers. Often time, pastors were listed right above used car salesmen in perceived trustworthiness. Even though there is the joy of pastoring, there are many other things that pastors must face and endure that others may never have to deal with. The pastorate often brings its own types of pain and disappointment. In this powerful book, Dr. John A. Tetsola teaches us how to handle and walk through the pain, hurt and disappointment of ministry while shepherding God’s people. This book will teach you the following: • The pain and disappointment in ministry • The betrayal in ministry • The comparison factor • The family conflict in ministry • And much more

Schooling for Ruling - Volume I

Cost: $25.00
The tremendous cry for true leadership echoes in the Church today… “Give us true leaders after whom we can pattern our lives!”

Schooling for Ruling - Volume II

Cost: $25.00
Leadership is not about what we become. It is about what we help others to become. That is how real leaders think...

Schooling for Ruling - Volume III

Cost: $25.00
Vision is that which clings like glue to the inside of you when everything else is stripped away...

Shared Leadership

Cost: $12.00
The building of the twenty-first century church must be according to apostolic patterns, and these are accomplished by apostolic teams or “shared leadership”...

Successions & Transitions

Cost: $10.00
Unfortunately, leadership succession and transition is usually one of the sloppiest things that ever happens in the local church. Most of the time there is no real plan...

The Anointing of the Second Best

Cost: $12.00
For every successful leader in Scripture, there were always second best men who stood firmly behind them without dissension and competition to undergird the assignments of God...

The Diaconate

Cost: $10.00
One of the most neglected ministries in the Church today is the ministry of the Deacon...

The Downfall of the Man of God

Cost: $12.00
The enemy desires to break down the body of Christ by coming against its leaders...

The Making Process of God's Leaders

Cost: $15.00
Where does the Church stand in today’s society of confusion and hopelessness?
