

Ecclesia Word Ministries International Store | eBooks

Abnormal Cycles Ebook

Cost: $25.00
Abnormal cycles of failure and defeat are sequences of recurring successions of negative events. It is a course or series of negative circumstances or operations that recur regularly and usually lead back to the starting point. There can be continual patterns of attacks and failures that lead to constant defeat in our lives or ways of negative living, operating and doing things that we have become addicted to. Abnormal cycles of defeat can be detrimental to the growth, advancement, success and victory of the believer when not broken. Dr. John A. Tetsola in this book teaches us how to spiritually discern and locate cycles of defeat in our lives and then shows us how to understand the following: • Understanding abnormal cycles and its working • The governing truths concerning abnormal cycles of defeat and failure • Abnormal cycles of poverty and its workings • Abnormal cycles of spiritual attacks and its workings • Abnormal cycles of immorality and its workings • Abnormal cycles of sickness and its workings • Abnormal cycles of generational curses and its workings • And much more

Adjusting to the Seasons of God eBook

Cost: $8.00
The nature of walking with the Lord involves constant adjustments to His seasons if we are going to effectively embrace the benefits of the Kingdom...

Advancing Through Transition EBook

Cost: $15.00
Change is never comfortable, but it is a fact of life and it is the will of God. Transitioning is a process, a passage, a move, and a change from one place, method and state to another. It comes with pain and adjustment. The truth is that in order to be progressive in life and in the things of God, we must be willing to make transition and embrace the spirit of it. Transition happens in almost every facet of life, whether spiritually, emotionally or physically. Dr. John A. Tetsola in this powerful book shows us how to progressively move in God from one level to another by embracing the principles of transition. In this book, you will learn the following: • The call to transitioning • Types of transitions • Methods of transitioning • The blessings of transition • And much more

Adversity and Its Purpose eBook

Cost: $12.00
If there is one thing that unites humans, it is the fact that all of us must deal with adversity. For some people, adversity is a constant way of life. For others, it is an occasional reality. As believers, we too will face adversity...

Apostolic Commissioning EBook

Cost: $10.00
Apostolic commissioning is something that most believers and churches are unfamiliar with. It is easier for most Christians to relate to pastoral, bishopric, and eldership ordinations than it is for them to relate to the ordination of an apostle...

Apostolic Expressions in the Local Church EBook

Cost: $25.00
The local church is an expression of an apostolic center where apostolic doctrines are established and practiced...

Apostolic Governance eBook

Cost: $12.00
Building, leading and governing an apostolic center is some times a difficult task for apostolic leadership without the proper understanding of the principles of apostolic governance...Building, leading and governing an apostolic center is some times a difficult task for apostolic leadership without the proper understanding of the principles of apostolic governance. Apostolic governance is the ability to rightly control, direct and administer apostolic policies in a house to produce an effective manifestation of the vision of the center. This book teaches you the principles of Apostolic Governance and its application.

Apostolic Lessons for Apostolic Leaders Volume 1 EBook

Cost: $15.00
Advancing the apostolic reformation demands that we understand the role of the apostolic anointing and ministry in our contemporary society...

Apostolic Lessons for Apostolic Leaders Volume 2 eBook

Cost: $15.00
The success of an apostolic center is often based on the growth and maturity of its leaders. But growth and maturity don't happen overnight. It is a deliberate and conscious process that is pursued and embraced, that eventually brings an apostolic leader to a place of strength in his anointing. It is in this place of strength and maturity that he functions in, to build that which God has placed on his heart. Dr. John Tetsola in this powerful book deals with very significant strategies and lessons that every apostolic leader must learn and embrace in order to mature in his anointing and pursuit. This book is divided into four sections. Each section deals with pertinent apostolic strategies and lessons. In this book, you will learn the following: * Fathering in an apostolic church *Protecting against burnout * The struggle with apostolic leadership relationships * The pitfalls of apostolic leadership and more

Being an Effective Pastor EBook

Cost: $10.00
Part of the success of the pastoral office is in his effectiveness in executing the call of God upon his life. Effective pastors are grounded in the ministry of the Word and prayer. They put God and the things of God first and endeavor to avoid the pitfalls that destroy their anointing. The pastoral ministry often places the pastor in extreme situations with high stakes: success or failure, acceptance or rejection, vindication or humiliation, life or death. Dr. John Tetsola lays out in this book a clear path of pursuit in becoming effective as a pastor. In this book you will be grounded in the following areas: • Understanding the habits and principles of effective pastors • The marks of maturity for a pastor • The secret of successful pastors • The pitfalls of an effective pastor • And much more

Birthing Prophetic Sons eBook

Cost: $8.00
As we prepare for a new season in God, it is imperative that the men and women that are being birthed in this hour are sons that have been reared and raised in the houses of fathers who are prophetic. These kinds of sons are what we call “prophetic sons.” They are a pure breed of men and women whose ultimate purpose is to pursue and take the voice of God to their generation. In this book, Dr. Tetsola clearly explains, with a strong impartation, how these men and women are raised and trained to receive the mantle of their father.

Breaking Destructive Habits eBook

Cost: $10.00
As a believer your walk with God is not immune to difficulties. There are certain destructive habits that are designed to destroy your walk when you refuse to take responsibility for your faith journey with God.

Breaking Satanic Altars eBook

Cost: $12.00
Spirits cannot operate in the domain of men without legal jurisdiction because there are laws which govern the spirit realm. Therefore, for any spirit to operate in the natural realm, there must be a gate, a portal or gateway which connects both realms.

Building Apostolic an Apostolic Team that Wins eBook

Cost: $11.00
The most effective team spirit is produced when all the individuals involved harmonize their contributions and work toward a common goal... The most effective team spirit is produced when all the individuals involved harmonize their contributions and work toward a common goal. As great as we might be, we cannot accomplish alone what God has called us to do. There has to be gifted, talented, and great people that are willing to connect with us to make vision work. This book will challenge and teach you how to build an apostolic team spirit that wins.

Building Supernatural Relationships that Sustain Vision EBook

Cost: $12.00
Relationships are one of the five most important areas of need in every person’s life. God created us for relationships. He expects us to both establish and maintain Godly relationships in our lives. None of God’s creations function alone. All are connected to someone or something. Likewise, we are not called to function alone. We are created to be connected to others. However, it is important to note that relationships will not be established and do not maintain themselves. We must take the necessary steps to cultivate them and work to keep them going. Dr. Tetsola in this powerful material explains how Godly relationships help in strengthening vision. In this book, you will learn the following: • The importance of building Godly relationships • The enemies of building supernatural relationships • How to build Godly supernatural relationships • And much more

Called But Not Chosen EBook

Cost: $15.00
Every believer is presented with the opportunity to fulfill destiny, to accomplish an assignment, and to eventually answer the mandate of God for their life...

Church Growth and the Power of Evangelism EBook

Cost: $12.00
The Lord wants His church to grow. He released His gifts in others to ensure growth and development. Many have no problem believing this. However, the conflict in the Body of Christ is, “What is the growth that the Lord approves of?” Is it a small church, mega church, or a user-friendly church? Many want to know what are the biblical principles in which I should be building my church with. What is the biblical pattern for church growth and Kingdom building.

Church Life Developmental Syllabus - Module 1 eBook

Cost: $12.00
There are many pastors and leaders of ministries who are expected to do everything for everyone in the local church. They preach, teach, pray, prophesy, lead people to Christ, visit and minister healing to the sick, cast out demons, perform marriages, funerals, counsel couples and families, teach children's church, direct the choir, lead worship, officiate over communion, baptize new converts, and the list goes on. They do these things because there is a legitimate need, and the people designated by God to handle these responsibilities either have not been chosen by the people, or they have not stepped up to the plate after they have been identified by their anointing. However, this could lead to burnout and ultimately cause a leader to stray from the true plan of God for their lives. In order to avoid such situations, leaders need like-minded members in their midst who will help shoulder the load of ministry. This is very important because as you lift the load of ministry and steady your leader's hands, you avoid defeat and bring stabilization to the corporate vision of God upon your leader's life and to all that concerns you. This module teaches how to discern your leader's need to assist in lifting the load of ministry.

Church Life Developmental Syllabus - Module 2 eBook

Cost: $12.00
Correction, chastisement, and biblical discipline are God's way of letting us know that He's not finished with us yet, and that He is about to expand our territory. However, God in His sovereignty has decided to accomplish those purposes in our lives through the leaders He has placed around us to help deaden those things in our lives that could potentially destroy our future in Him. As believers, we operate under the principle that our leaders are chosen by God, so detachment should not be an option. Rather, it should be God Who decides when it is time for you to move on. We should not allow the pain of true biblical correction and discipline to deter us from receiving the great rewards of righteousness and good gifts. Biblical chastisement and correction must be endured. We can't go around it; we must go through it, and how we go through it will determine its ultimate effect in our lives.

Church Life Developmental Syllabus - Module 3 eBook

Cost: $12.00
Commitment plays an important role in the life of every believer. The Bible clearly teaches that our first commitment should be to our heavenly Father Whom we should love and serve faithfully. However, it is very important that we understand the principle of commitment as it relates to serving those who lead us, especially during times of crises. Anyone can hang around and support a leader when everything is going well, but the strength of our commitment is tested whenever there is a crisis in your leader's life, ministry, marriage, health or family. During those turbulent days, leaders desire true relationships that serve not only as a source of encouragement and feedback, but also as safe harbors. They need to know that they are surrounded by someone who will remain committed and connected to the vision of God upon their lives. But you will never be able to remain planted and connected to that person, place, or thing unless you are willing to stay committed.

Church Life Developmental Syllabus - Module 4 eBook

Cost: $12.00
Everyone who accepts Christ as their personal Lord and Savior is put into His body in the form of a ministry. Just as the physical body has many parts to it, the body of Christ is made up of people who are called to a particular area of ministry. That area of ministry is appointed by the Lord, is permanent in the believer's life, and accompanies them wherever they go. Our ministries are gifts to each other and are meant to be an integral part in maturing and growing up the body of Christ. Your ministry in the body of Christ also assists your ministry to the local church. It puts a greater vitality in what you are doing and enables you to stay focused on how the Holy Spirit is moving within your fellowship. Understanding body ministry is vital to being an effective disciple of Christ, but unfortunately, this issue is difficult for many pastors because it implies some loss of control. It is through body ministry that the church is able to operate in many locations, settings, cultures and structures, and yet function as one entity with everyone knowing their part in it. It can also give individuals more meaning and satisfaction in serving their local church and help to prevent ministry burnout.

Church Life Developmental Syllabus - Module 5 eBook

Cost: $12.00
A youth ministry is an evangelical ministry intended to instruct and disciple youths in what it means to be a Christian, how to mature as a Christian, and how to encourage others to claim Jesus as their Savior. This is accomplished through teaching, relationship building, and mentoring. Youth ministry positively affects society by making life better for teenagers whether they are involved in ministry or not. It has also helped society by strengthening the family structure of those families involved with their church. However, in order for one to be a successful youth leader, there must be passion for youth ministry. Passionate youth leaders give God and others their attention. They also engage the culture, explore the culture to learn from it, and they employ the culture to explain truth. If you have felt a stirring in your heart and desire to begin a youth ministry, whether you are currently in an urban or a rural area, the inner city or a suburban setting, you can do it.

Church Life Developmental Syllabus - Module 6 eBook

Cost: $12.00
Evangelism is the responsibility of every believer. It is birthed out of the Great Commission-a command from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Who said, "go" before He said to heal, prophesy, or even teach. Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions and myths about what evangelism is and what it is not. Evangelism is not trying to get people saved. It is not sending people to the other side of the world where we feel they have never heard the Gospel. It is not passing out tracts or flyers at different locations on a weekly basis. It is not telling people that they will go to hell if they don't get saved "right now." It is not a program the church runs to try to increase membership. It is not a training ground for people who want to be pastors or preachers. It is not asking people, "Are you saved, born again, washed in the blood of the Lamb," or any other fanciful Christian language that the average person does not understand. It is not a method for getting a pat on the back from God for being a good Christian. Neither is it a way to prove how spiritual you are because you won more people to the Lord than the next person. It is not indoctrinating people with your personal philosophy of what the Bible is saying. It is not a hit-and-run, go to a neighbor­hood or a city for a few hours or a few days telling some good stories, and then packing your bags and leaving. Evangelism is winning the lost and training them in the ways of God.

Church Life Developmental Syllabus - Module 7 eBook

Cost: $12.00
If you ask most believers how they are doing, they will undoubtedly give a favorable response such as they are "blessed of the Lord and highly favored." They will declare with a broad, almost believable grin that they are the "head and not the tail," when the truth is they feel like the tail and the enemy is wagging them silly. The reality is they've been battered and assaulted by the wicked one, and are living in a cycle of spiritual ups and downs. They're in desperate need of Holy Spirit guided believers to set them right and help them get back to their rightful place in God. They're looking for a spiritual person to be of assistance, someone who won't judge them harshly by their own personal standard, but who will come in meekness, gentleness, and without any sense of superiority with the rescuing word of the Lord. The Scriptures clearly instructs those in the body of Christ who are guided and controlled by the Holy Spirit to be ready to restore and set right our brothers and sisters who have been overtaken in misconduct and sin. As we use the tools outlined in the Word of God, we will achieve the best possible outcome.

Church Life Developmental Syllabus - Module 8 eBook

Cost: $12.00
Many children attend church because their parents go to church and they do not have a choice. But what will happen when that child grows up and has to make his or her own decision? Will they know God? Will they have a desire to be a part of a ministry or to serve God? Statistics show that the majority of believers become born again as a child, and the older he or she becomes the less likely they are to make a decision for Christ. Therefore, we must reach our children now. Jesus taught the disciples that ministry to children is as important as ministry to adults. Just as it is important for adults to know, love and serve God, so it is for children. We must do all we know to do to lead children to the life­changing experience of knowing Jesus and learning what it means to follow Him. Our children are the next generation of reformers who are going to affect our world for Christ. The time for them to walk in their gifts and fulfill purpose and destiny is not when they grow to adulthood, but it is now.

Church Life Developmental Syllabus - Module 9 eBook

Cost: $12.00
A lifestyle of worship is crucial to every believer in the body of Christ. Whether you are a worship leader or a congregational member, you have a commission to make others hungry for the type of intimacy and honesty that only manifests when we are "laid bare" before a holy God. Worship is not merely the act of singing songs with meaningful lyrics, tearfully expressing our acknowledgement of His greatness, and quietly or loudly basking in the glory of God's manifest presence, although that is certainly a part of who we are. Worship is fundamentally a heart of obedience to God. It means we become so close to Him that our ears are married to God's voice. Worship strengthens our relationship with the Lord, and enables us to be more fruitful as we carry His heightened presence out into the world. Yet we often retreat to our conditioned responses in church, as opposed to heart-felt genuine expressions of our love and faith that will set us apart from the Sunday morning-only church-going pack.

Church Life Developmental Syllabus - Module10 eBook

Cost: $12.00
The heavenly Father wants to communicate with all of us. He wants to meet our needs. He wants to exhibit all His loving attributes in our life. He wants to take His place as our El Shaddai so that it may go well with us. But in order for Him to be these things to us and His promises to be manifested in our lives, we have to hearken and obey His instructions. All throughout Scripture we are told to hearken to the instructions of God because our victory in life is based on the extent of our hearkening. To the extent that people hear and do what God says, they are led by His Spirit, they know His will, and they walk in victory, glory and peace. However, the only way to know someone is to spend time with them. So it is with our relationship with Father God. As you spend time with Him on a daily basis, and as His Words remain active and alive in you, you will be vitally united to Him. Also, God promises to reciprocate when we draw near to Him, when we connect with the comfort of His presence, when we bask in His love, when we renew our trust in Him and hear His directions for our life.

Church Life Developmental Syllabus - Module11 eBook

Cost: $12.00
The mission field is one of the believer's mandates. Not only are we called to our neighborhoods, regions and cities, but we are also called to the uttermost parts of the world. So churches need to develop a vision for missions. We may not all get to go to the mission field. Neither is everyone called to live in remote parts of the world to preach the Gospel of Christ. But as believers we can all be supportive of missions and develop mission-minded people who can respond to the call to be missionaries. To do this, you must first understand the process of embracing the vision for a missionary call. Then you must learn how to go about making that missionary call a reality. When you respond to the call of God to go to a foreign land, your success won't be based on how much money you've raised, or how many people you'll have praying for you, or even whether you have a prophetic word from God. But it will be based on how well you know God and how well you know who you are in Him.

Contending for Prosperity God's Way eBook

Cost: $10.00
We must want to prosper and see the manifestation of the promises of God in our lives. In order for this to become a reality, we must be willing to deal with the existing mindsets that contradict the desire and the promises of God for our lives, and contend for prosperity God’s way.

Contending for the Supernatural EBook

Cost: $15.00
God is raising a generation of pioneers who are willing to pay the price to enter a higher dimension in Him...

Contending with Disappointment eBook

Cost: $15.00
Have you ever been disappointed? Really disappointed? Maybe you watched as your dreams crashed and burned or perhaps someone you loved and trusted let you down..

Cursing the Darkness eBook

Cost: $10.00
One of the most powerful abilities that God has installed within man is the ability to curse the darkness, so man can forgive one another. Forgiveness is the willingness to master your reactions in the face of an offense. You have the power to decide your response in any situation and overcome the enemy.

Dealing with Anxiety and Worry eBook

Cost: $15.00
Everyone experiences anxiety. Everyone has faced the problem of worry at some point. Despite the fact that God is against our fears, anxiety and worry, we don’t seem to completely overcome its harsh grip...

Destiny Robbers eBook

Cost: $11.00
Each of us has been given what the Scripture describes as an “expected end”...Each of us has been given what the Scripture describes as an “expected end.” It is up to every believer to discover the purpose of God for their lives and to follow that path willingly and by faith. Sadly, there are many snares and pitfalls designed by the enemy along the path of destiny to rob us of the opportunities to accomplish God’s intention for our life. This powerful book will teach you how to locate the robbers of your destiny and stay on track with strength and focus to fulfill your assignment.

Determined to Believe God eBook

Cost: $11.00
The desire of every Christian is to see the manifestation of God’s promises in their lives. But the promises of God don’t just happen. You have to first believe for it, and then activate the principles that bring a promise to pass. To believe means to have a firm conviction concerning what God has spoken to your heart. It is a settled persuasion that cannot be uprooted. It also means to be convinced of truth beyond any reasonable doubt, without any demonstrable evidence.

Developing Prophetic Accuracy eBook

Cost: $10.00
Accuracy is the life-style of the man or woman that lives and walks consistently in the realm of the spirit. That is the desire of God for His people. But prophetic sharpness is not developed overnight. It comes with consistent training and practicing. It comes with understanding prophetic pitfalls and developing a willingness to avoid them. In Proverbs 24:16, King Solomon writes “for a righteous man may fall seven times and rise again.” Notice that the Proverb 24 man is called “righteous,” not because he was without failure, but because he was willing to rise out of his failure. That is what learning and developing accuracy and sharpness in the spirit is all about. This book will lead you in the path of learning and practicing accuracy in the prophetic anointing.

Developing Spiritual Accuracy eBook

Cost: $10.00
For every move of God that has come and gone, there have always been men and women - a remnant - who possessed a high degree of sensitivity and accuracy in forecasting coming moves before they even arrived. These individuals understood and demonstrated spiritual accuracy. The church is tired of inaccurate men and women tending God's pulpits.

Discerning and Embracing Transitional Times eBook

Cost: $12.00
It is the “process” of transition that God is more concerned about, because the “process” releases and imparts God’s intention in us – growth, maturity, advancement, etc. In this powerful book, Dr. John Tetsola deals with very significant subjects that will enable us to make proper transition. It is a must read book for every believer. The truths in this book will enable you to discern and embrace your transitional seasons.

Excelling in Warfare eBook

Cost: $11.00
Warfare is any opposition, crisis, or battle that you encounter while attempting to obey an instruction from God...Warfare is any opposition, crisis, or battle that you encounter while attempting to obey an instruction from God. It is any difficulty or pain produced during your efforts to satisfy God’s expectation of you. God wants us to excel in every battle, maintaining the victory He has accomplished on our behalf. But in order to excel in warfare, we have to understand the concept of warfare and how true warfare is executed. The insight in this book will produce clarity in your life and will enable you to approach your warfare in a different way.

Fatigue and Its Cure eBook

Cost: $11.00
The pursuit of the purposes of God often produces weariness and fatigue, especially when that which is being pursued is not immediately attainable...

Finding and Knowing God's Heart eBook

Cost: $12.00
Without a shadow of a doubt, God wants us to know His will for our lives. He wants us to know His heart and constantly embrace His direction in our decision making...Without a shadow of a doubt, God wants us to know His will for our lives. He wants us to know His heart and constantly embrace His direction in our decision making. God has given us a map called the Bible and a guide called the Holy Spirit to help us accomplish this goal. This book will teach and help you in knowing God’s heart and finding His will in every area of your life.

Governing Authorities and Their Powers eBook

Cost: $20.00
An understanding of the concepts of power and authority is indispensable to any form of effective leadership. At an elementary level, power is the ability to do something. Authority refers to the legitimate permission to exercise power.

Growing an Apostolic Church God's Way eBook

Cost: $12.00
Growing a church is biblical and an imperative from the Lord, yet it is impor­tant to understand that the only true strategies and concepts that produce re­sults, irrespective of nations, regions, and communities are the clear principles and concepts established in God's Word.

Hoping Against Hope eBook

Cost: $15.00
We cannot underestimate the impact that having hope has on the believer’s life. Hope is not a feeling, but a choice to hold on to what the Bible says is true.

How God Builds Apostolically EBook

Cost: $14.00
God is a builder. He laid the foundation of the world. He framed the world. And when God builds something, he builds it to last. He builds for longevity. And whatever God builds withstands the attacks, the difficulties, and the storms of life. Jesus says there is no other foundation that a man can lay, other than the foundation that is already laid. Jesus is the only foundation that has been laid. And everything we build must be built and orchestrated first by Him and on Him.

How to Minister Healing to the Sick eBook

Cost: $10.00
Healing is the children’s bread. God’s desire is for His children to be healthy at all times. It is a covenant promise made to the blood bought believers.

How to Relate to Itinerant Ministers eBook

Cost: $7.00
Itinerant ministries and ministers are essential if the church is to rise to completeness and the full stature of Christ. Unfortunately, in connection with this type of ministry, there have been many problems regarding ethics, doctrines, character, finances and how these ministers are treated. Church leaders must not fear to invite qualified traveling ministers, but leaders must know how to properly receive, treat and honor the men and women of God that pass through their local churches. This book will assist you in understanding the roles of itinerant ministers and ministries and teach you how to relate to them.

Keys to Living the Supernatural Life EBook

Cost: $12.00
The supernatural life is a life that exemplifies the Kingdom of God as Jesus did when He walked the earth. Jesus performed many signs, wonders, and miracles, but His greatest act and the driving force behind everything He did was love. The entire Kingdom of God is hinged on love.

Knowing God's Protection eBook

Cost: $10.00
All through scripture, God promises protection to His people. The same protective power that was made available to the children of Israel is available today to the New Testament church in greater measure. In Psalm 125, David used a figurative expression to describe the protection and the stabilizing power of God over His children who trust Him. He likens them to Mount Zion which surrounds Jerusalem. You have to know God’s protection for your life, receive it and then begin to walk in it. This book will enlighten and help you understand God’s protective power.

Leadership Secrets for Successful Advancement EBook

Cost: $15.00
Leadership advancement and growth is never an accident or coincidence. It is based on a deliberate, determined desire to grow ones’ potential to a place of excellence and a hunger to excel in the leading of others. Great leaders are not produced in the classroom. They are made through the lifestyles and practices of truth that they live by on a daily basis. Dr. Tetsola in this incredible book explains some key strategies and secrets for advancing as a leader in the Kingdom of God.

Leadership Truths and Wisdom for Excelling in the Kingdom Volume One eBook

Cost: $10.00
Truths for Navigating Leadership Obstacles

Leadership Truths and Wisdom for Excelling in the Kingdom Volume Three eBook

Cost: $8.00
Truths for avoiding Leadership Setbacks

Leadership Truths and Wisdom for Excelling in the Kingdom Volume Two eBook

Cost: $10.00
Truths for Leadership Team Essentials

Living in God's Overflow eBook

Cost: $11.00
God’s ultimate desire is for His people to live in the fullness of His promises. It is for you to live the blessed life, the overflow life...God’s ultimate desire is for His people to live in the fullness of His promises. It is for you to live the blessed life, the overflow life. The blessed life is the life of advancement, and growth, abundant living. It is the life of God. It’s the life that enjoys the fullness of what Christ accomplished on the cross. It’s the gift of God that’s bestowed on the believer. This book will teach you how to live in God’s Overflow.

Living the High Life of God eBook

Cost: $11.00
Receiving a promise from God is not in itself a guarantee that the promise will come to pass if you are not willing to meet the condition of the promise. The insight in this book will teach you the process and the stages a promise goes through before its manifestation.

Mastering Crisis in Your Life EBook

Cost: $25.00
God wants us to be corporate in our thinking and not territorial in our desire. He desires for us to reach out beyond our local churches to our cities and make impact that brings transformation and revival. Repeatedly throughout the scriptures, we see God’s concern for cities and the people within them, both those inhabited and dominated by His people and those that were not. God is just as concerned today about cities as He was back then, and therefore so should we. Dr. John Tetsola in this book shows us the importance of having strong vision for our cities and the strategies to implementing them. In this book you will learn the following: • The importance of having a vision for your city • Developing a strategy to reach your city • Developing a church that reflects diversity • And much more

Mastering God's Voice in Your Life eBook

Cost: $11.00
The totality of the Christian walk is based on this one statement from Jesus: “My sheep hear My voice and they obey.” If you are not knowledgeable of the voice of God and fail to master it in your life, other voices will convince you. Mastering God’s voice means to be skillful and proficient in hearing the voice of God. It is to gain a thorough insight, knowledge and understanding of God’s voice. Mastery produces a sense of ownership in your life. When you master God’s voice, you will become more proficient, more skillful and more discerning of God’s voice, and you will obey Him on a consistent basis. This book deals with the following: * The importance of mastering God’s voice * Ways to master God’s voice And much more

Mastering Your Emotions EBook

Cost: $20.00
Part of our successes, victories and defeats in life is often determined by the stability of our emotions. Our emotions play a great role in our advancement. Emotions represent the inner responses that motivates outward actions. Emotions are our God given capacity to connect our inner and outer world. It is the fire behind our success in life or sometimes our downfall. If we are to live godly lives – Christ like lives – then we need God’s perspective on emotions. When God paused to ponder His image bearers, He declared that they – emotions included – were “very good”. Feelings and emotions were God’s idea. But it has to be mastered and managed properly to produce the successes and victories that God intended. Dr. John Tetsola in this powerful book shows us how to master our emotions, to control and dominate the negative responses of the soul that creates defeat. In this book you will learn the following: • Understanding emotions • Identifying emotional triggers • The effects of negative emotions • Mastering emotions by the Spirit • The keys to controlling your emotions and your moods • And much more

Mental Freedom EBook

Cost: $12.00
Most of the limitations in our lives are not as a result of the devil but established in our minds. If we can understand this, we will be able to see freedom manifest in every area of life. Mental freedom simply means being able to express the constructive qualities of the mind easily and more understandably according to the Word of God without any ungodly influences. Our ability to advance in life, to have healthy relationships, and to be successful depends on our understanding of this.

Overcoming the Spirit of Frustration eBook

Cost: $11.00
Frustration is a response that the enemy takes ad- vantage of to manifest his purpose...Frustration is a response that the enemy takes ad- vantage of to manifest his purpose. It is an intense state of feeling created by an occurrence which causes one to relinquish the very dream of God. This book will teach you the principles and strategies for dealing with frustration in difficult times.

Practical Apostolic Leadership Strategies for Dealing with Criticism - Series 8 eBook

Cost: $6.00
Dealing with criticism positively is an important life skill. At some point in your life you will be criticized, perhaps in a professional way. Sometimes it will be difficult to accept, but that all depends on your reaction. At times criticism can feel like a personal attack and it can be really difficult to react without being defensive. On some level, we all want to be liked and valued for who we are, so when someone criticizes us, this is a direct conflict with our innate desire to feel of valued. You can either use criticism in a positive way to improve, or in a negative way that can lower your self-esteem and cause stress, anger or even resentment. In this book, Dr. Tetsola clearly reveals the strategies for dealing with criticism. This book deals with the following: • How to handle criticism • How to maintain joy after receiving criticism and much more

Practical Apostolic Leadership Strategies for Dealing with Stress - Series 9 eBook

Cost: $6.00
Everyone experiences stress at times. Stress can be beneficial by helping people develop the skills they need to cope with and adapt to new situations throughout life. However, excessive stress can interfere with our productivity and performance, and impact your physical and emotional health. Often, our ability to deal with stress can mean the difference between success and failure. We can't control everything in our lives, but that doesn't mean we're powerless. Even when we seem to be stuck in a difficult situation. Whatever our demands or ambitions, there are steps we can take to protect ourselves from the damaging effects of stress and improve our job satisfaction. In this book, Dr. Tetsola deals with the strategies needed for responding to and managing stress. This book deals with the following: • Symptoms of stress • Major causes of stress • How to conquer stress and more

Practical Apostolic Leadership Strategies for Delegation - Series 4 eBook

Cost: $6.00
When we think of strong leadership, thoughts of courage, resiliency, boldness and determination come to mind. We think of a leader confidently in charge, steering the ship and leading the team. What we often do not think of is delegation. The ability to wisely and effectively delegate is a quality far quieter than others, and yet one of the most crucial to a leader's success. Whether you're a manager, owner of your own business, pastor of a local church, or simply working on a group project, effective delegation is one of the keys to achieving your goals. In this book, Dr. Tetsola discusses the strategies needed to effectively delegate responsibilities and task. This book deals with the following: • Why leaders must delegate • How to effectively delegate • Barriers in delegation and more

Practical Apostolic Leadership Strategies for Establishing Strong Staff Relationships - Series 6 eBook

Cost: $6.00
Aiming to create a strong leader-to-staff relationship within your organization is commendable. Many positive results arise when leaders and those they lead respect and trust each other. But getting to the point of reciprocal trust and respect can be challenging for many organizations. Some organizations don't realize that there are several actions they can take to make their organization or ministry run smoother. In this book, Dr. Tetsola deals with the strategies for establishing strong staff relationships. This book deals with the following: • Working as a team • Developing relationships • A spiritual approach to handling confrontation • Administering correction and more

Practical Apostolic Leadership Strategies for Goal Setting - Series 1 eBook

Cost: $6.00
Goal setting is a key to every successful and great leader. However, many leaders sabotage their own success by setting ineffective or unclear goals. Great goals accelerate the leader to accomplish more in a quicker time than expected or anticipated. Great goals inspire, motivate, and focus energy to achieve significance through accomplishment. Without goals leaders lack focus and direction. Goal setting not only allows leaders to take control of their life's direction, but it also provides you a benchmark for determining whether they are actually succeeding. In this book, Dr. Tetsola clearly reveals the strategies every leader must employ for setting goals. This book deals with the following: • The benefits of setting goals • Obstacles to overcome in achieving goals • How to set achievable goals and more

Practical Apostolic Leadership Strategies for Making Good Decisions - Series 2 eBook

Cost: $6.00
When we think of what makes someone a great leader, one characteristic that comes to mind is decisiveness. We do not envision successful leaders standing around appearing unclear and uncertain. Instead, we view them as people who are able to quickly arrive at their decisions and communicate the goals to others. Leaders must make decisions every day. It is one of the most important responsibilities of a leader. Some of them are minor, such as when to meet with team members and team building activities. Others are major, affecting the very lives of team members and requiring much thought and prayer. In this book, Dr. Tetsola addresses the tools every leader must possess to make good leadership decisions. In this book you will learn the following: • The Importance of making good decisions • The danger of being indecisive • Steps for making good decisions • The spiritual and natural sides of making good decisions and more

Practical Apostolic Leadership Strategies for Motivating Team Members - Series 7 eBook

Cost: $6.00
Leaders are only as good as their team. It is the job as the leader to set the bar, inspire, and motivate team members to reach greatness. Motivating team members is a challenge with constantly changing parameters. As a team leader, the strategies you employ on any given day to maintain productivity and keep team members focused can change depending on the organizational climate, assigned tasks and looming deadlines. Good leadership qualities encompass a basic toolkit of motivational strategies to maintain team member cooperation while allowing leaders the flexibility to tackle daily motivational issues. In this book, Dr. Tetsola reveals the qualities needed to effectively motivate team members. In this book you will learn the following: • What is motivation • The greatest motivation in service to God • How to create an atmosphere of high motivation and more

Practical Apostolic Leadership Strategies for Strong Leadership Teams - Series 5 eBook

Cost: $6.00
There is no doubt that leadership is the primary driver of organizational success. Yet leading today is more challenging than ever due to the accelerating pace of change and escalating complexity of the world around us. One necessary way of responding to these challenges is by improving how an organization's top leaders work together to manage the responsibilities of leadership. In truth, it is extremely difficult for leaders at the top of an organization (large or small) to provide the leadership necessary for an organization to become high performing if they have not defined how they will work together. In this book, Dr. Tetsola addresses the principles for developing a strong leadership team. This book deals with the following: • How to develop leaders by example • The need to develop leaders through training • Why leaders must develop young leaders and more

Practical Apostolic Leadership Strategies for Time Management - Series 3 eBook

Cost: $6.00
Time is constant and irreversible. Nothing can be substituted for time. Worse, once wasted, it can never be regained. Leaders have numerous demands on their limited time -time keeps getting away and they have trouble controlling it. No matter what their position or role is, they cannot stop time. They cannot slow it down, nor can they speed it up. Thus, time needs to be effectively managed to be effective. In this book, Dr. Tetsola reveals the necessary strategies for good time management. In this book you will learn the following: • How to organize your life to make use of your time • The need to keep your activities in line with your goals • Identifying the steps in needed in reaching your goals and more

Pressed But Not Crushed eBook

Cost: $10.00
The dealings of God are the very trials and tests that we encounter as we pursue the heart of God. Our attitudes during these times determine how far we go in God...

Processing Apostolic Vision eBook

Cost: $11.00
There are many ways to get results, but not many ways to get a God result. When you constantly produce results without embracing the process of God, you set yourself up for failure, as well as a slew of negative emotions. In processing an apostolic vision, the means to realize your goals must be processed by God, otherwise, it will destroy you. It is in the processing that the vision becomes refined and clearer to understand, to pursue, and to accomplish. In this book, the author deals with the following: * The power of apostolic vision * The persevering faith of believing * Believing for the outcome of our faith And much more

Prophetic Development eBook

Cost: $12.00
Maturity is a key ingredient in flowing properly in the prophetic anointing. The damages caused to most Christians in the Church today emanate from immature prophets or prophetic leaders attempting to flow in realms that do not match their own growth level. Understanding this, “truth known and not properly or wisely executed is truth unknown.” In this season, the spirit of God is demanding maturity in the prophetic operation and flow. This book will tremendously teach you the growth processes of the prophet and the prophetic anointing he carries. It will cause a new stirring and desire in your spirit to grow up in God.

Prophetic Training Manual eBook

Cost: $50.00
We are in a season that the Holy Spirit is raising up prophetic and apostolic armies. A cursory glance in the Spirit reveals that the prophetic rain of God is intensifying upon the Church, and a new and fresh awareness of the prophetic anointing is being embraced. But in the midst of this, there is a new cry and hunger. It is the hunger for growth and maturity in the prophetic flow. There is a fresh yearning for a new depth and understanding in the prophetic anointing. The “Prophetic Training Manual” is designed to help train men and women in the prophetic anointing, the prophetic office, and in the development of strong prophetic teams.

Prophets and Prophetic Leaders eBook

Cost: $11.00
The restoration of the apostolic and prophetic ministry has caused the emergence of prophetic voices. While this is highly applauded, great damage, errors and disgrace have been brought upon the lives of innocent people. Many in the Church have ended up titling themselves what they are not, because they lack the proper understanding of the office, the heart, and the character and characteristics of prophets and prophetic leaders. Dr. John Tetsola, under the prophetic anointing, has meticulously written this material to produce fresh insight in your life. This material will jolt you into a new level of prophetic understanding.

Raising Spiritual Sons eBook

Cost: $12.00
Building a strong local church demands that we build with faithful, committed, loyal and dependable people...Building a strong local church demands that we build with faithful, committed, loyal and dependable people. The absence of these spirits and attitudes in those that build creates openings in a church for the easy entrance and attack of the enemy. But often, finding and raising these kinds of believers pose the greatest difficulty and struggle of most local church leaders. This powerful book teaches you how to locate and raise true spiritual sons.

Rebellion and Its Dangers EBook

Cost: $12.00
Rebellion is a common cultural problem in the church. The spirit of rebellion has been attributed to the cause of many church splits and division. Rebellion is an open resistance to an established government. It is the process of resisting authority, and the defiance or disobedience to an established order. God has given man dominion over the earth, which requires authority and responsibility. When we rebel against authority or are defiant to an established order, we rebel against the ordination of God. This angers God. Dr. John A Tetsola in this book shows us how to overcome the stronghold of rebellion and walk in the submission of God’s anointing and promises. In this book you will learn the following: • The spirit of rebellion • Rebellion in the local church • Characteristics of a rebellious spirit • Common causes of a rebellious spirit • The dangers of rebellion • And much more

Releasing God's Power Through His Word eBook

Cost: $12.00
The Word of God is the most transformative power or force that is designed to change our lives and to bring us into conformity to the will of God. Without God’s Word working in our hearts, we can never become the picture of His promise. The strength of the believer’s life, his success in pursuit of dreams and vision, and his ability to be victorious over the enemy and the circumstances of life is totally based on God’s Word in us and God’s Word working through us. There is a power waiting to be released from God’s Word on a consistent basis over our situations and circumstances. But the effectiveness of God’s Word in your life is up to you. Dr. John Tetsola in this powerful book teaches us the principles of how to release God’s power through His Word. In this book you will learn the following: • The transformative power of God’s Word • Working God’s Word to work for you • Releasing the power of God’s Word in your life • And much more

Releasing the Prophetic Anointing in the Local Church EBook

Cost: $11.00
The prophetic ministry is the instrument God is using together with the apostolic ministry to build His kingdom on the earth today. We are not talking about being recognized as a prophet in the local church, but having an understanding of the prophetic move of God that is taking place throughout the Body of Christ and the freedom to allow it to function in the local church.

Restoring Burnt Stones eBook

Cost: $9.00
In spiritual ecology, which is the care of the environment in the spirit, there is what is known as Burnt Stones. By Burnt Stones we mean there are certain circumstances that have caused a person or persons to become offended, wounded, hurt, disappointed or fail in some way. Our churches are filled with Burnt Stones. The good news is that those who have been hurt, wounded and who have failed can be picked up and restored by the Nehemiah’s of today.

Ruling in the Midst of Your Enemy eBook

Cost: $12.00
Periodically in life we experience difficulties, pain, and disappointment. Life sometimes doesn’t give us what we expect. So, we get knocked down or cast down by problems and difficulties. But Jesus gives us a heads up and has promised us victory because He has overcome the world. The fight of life is not over when you are knocked down. It is only over when you give up in life or when you refuse to get up and fight again. Right now, maybe you have been knocked down by circumstances. Don’t quit or give up because the sun will rise again. Dr. John Tetsola in this insightful book, teaches you how to get up after you have been knocked down by life’s circumstances. In this book you will learn the following: • The importance of getting up after you have been knocked down • The sin factor • The tragedy factor • The hardship and opposition factors • And much more

Satanic Snares and Its Traps eBook

Cost: $20.00
We face an adversary that is cunning and powerful and would do anything and everything possible to trap the believer to defeat and cause him to abandon the pursuit of God. He does this through the snares that he introduces into our lives. Snares are any allurements to wrong doings from which escape is difficult. It is something that gains control and advantage over you by trapping you. The cost of being overcome by satanic snares is very enormous and sobering, because most Christians never recover. Satan’s most powerful tool is his ability to take away or weaken the degree of our sensitivity to discern the snares that he introduces into our lives. Dr. John Tetsola in this powerful book teaches and shows us how to successfully discern and overcome the snares that produce the trap that destroys the believer’s walk. In this book, you will learn the following: • Understanding the power of snares • The dangers of satanic snares • The mission of the enemy through snares • How to easily recognize satanic snares • How to overcome and be victorious over satanic snares • And much more

Satan's Weapons of Destruction - Volume 1 eBook

Cost: $8.00
The Weapon of Doubt and its Cure Doubt is one of the most toxic insidious weapons of mass destruction that Satan uses against the church....

Satan's Weapons of Destruction - Volume 2 eBook

Cost: $8.00
The Weapon of Fear and its Cure The enemy can never get a major entrance into your life, unless he uses the weapon of fear to get in...

Satan's Weapons of Destruction - Volume 3 eBook

Cost: $8.00
The Weapon of Discouragement and its Cure Discouragement is one of Satan’s weapons of destruction...

School for Ruling - Volume 1 eBook

Cost: $25.00
The tremendous cry for true leadership echoes in the Church today… “Give us true leaders after whom we can pattern our lives!” In this manual, Dr. John Tetsola aggressively and boldly redefines the appropriate biblical approaches to building effective leadership and strong local churches in this hour. John challenges us to build apostolic teams, eldership teams, ministerial cabinets, and leadership components.

School for Ruling - Volume 2 eBook

Cost: $25.00
Leadership is not about what we become. It is about what we help others to become. That is how real leaders think. It is keeping your words when it is not convenient. And it is being faithful when your own flesh wants to run away. That is leadership. In this manual, you will learn the importance of leadership in three areas. The first area deals with leadership foundations. The second area deals with leadership strategies and the third area deals with leadership applications.

School for Ruling - Volume 3 eBook

Cost: $25.00
Vision is that which clings like glue to the inside of you when everything else is stripped away. It is what your mind naturally gravitates towards when you are not legitimately concentrating on something else. Vision is the act of seeing things that are invisible as being real to you, yet unreal to everyone else. Dr. John Tetsola in this training manual tremendously brings clarity concerning vision, its development, and its application in the life of the believer and in the local church.

Seeds of Discord eBook

Cost: $10.00
One of the spirits that has been unleashed in this hour against the Body of Christ is the spirit of discord...

Shared Leadership eBook

Cost: $12.00
The building of the twenty-first century church must be according to apostolic patterns, and these are accomplished by apostolic teams or “shared leadership”. There must be a true plurality of leadership governing the church, with a set man, for the church to be healthy, strong and to accomplish its assigned purpose. These “shared leaders” are sometimes called eldership or apostolic teams, and they help to birth and establish the apostolic patterns of God in the local church. In this book, you will learn and understand the principles of apostolic teams, their function, ministry and their role in establishing true apostolic church government in a local church.

Sharpening Your Focus eBook

Cost: $7.00
Focus is the adjustment of your spiritual eye so that a clear image or picture of what God told you to do is produced. In order to be successful in the pursuit of vision over our lives, we must on a consistent basis sharpen our focus so that the picture of the vision can be clearly produced. Focus is the one thing that will get you to the place you want to be in life. If you can change your focus, you can change your failures. Focus creates momentum, and momentum is the force of accomplishment. When the enemy breaks your focus, he robs you of your momentum. Focus never looks at what it is going through. Instead it looks at what it is going to.

Signs of Spiritual Attacks and Its Cures eBook

Cost: $7.00
The progression of every attack of the enemy begins in three stages and formats...

Slanderous War eBook

Cost: $10.00
One of the most devastating forces released in this season against the believer is the spirit of slander. This spirit threatens the integrity of Christians. Its purpose is to create a defamation of character, whose direct attack is purposed to depreciate the reputation of an individual or a ministry, so as to prevent the advancement of the purpose of God upon their lives. Many leaders, believers, and ministries have fallen prey to this spirit.

Speak! Thy Servant Heareth eBook

Cost: $10.00
This book deals distinctly with the process of hearing God’s Voice, pursuing this voice and understanding His guidance systems...

Spirit Realm Living EBook

Cost: $12.00
God desires the earth to look and operate as heaven does. It is His will that we duplicate heaven here in the earth realm...

Spiritual Capacity and Its Growth eBook

Cost: $25.00
One of the keys to the believer’s success, advancement and the manifestation of God’s promises is based on the depth, the strength and the degree of his spiritual capacity. Everything God does for the believer is always in direct proportion to the degree of the spiritual capacity that he or she walks in. Spiritual capacity is the power and the ability to produce, to do, to carry and to establish the plans and purposes of God. Growing our spiritual capacity is very significant in moving from one phase of life to another in the Kingdom. Without a progressive growth in our spiritual capacity, we would not be able to efficiently accomplish God’s assignments. Dr. John Tetsola in this powerful material teaches us the importance of spiritual capacity and its growth in accomplishing the assignments of God. In this book you will learn the following: • The importance of growing your spiritual capacity. • The four realms and dimensions of spiritual capacity • The working of spiritual capacity to accomplish the purposes of God. • How to grow and increase your spiritual capacity • And much more

Spiritual Depths and Its Power eBook

Cost: $12.00
God’s desire is to take us from glory to glory for the unveiling and manifestation of His purpose. But there are certain manifestations, results, breakthroughs, and deliverances that only happen in our lives because of the degree of our spiritual depth in God that we possess and are willing to walk in.

Staying on the Edge of the Spirit EBook

Cost: $11.00
Walking with God often demands that we stay consistently on the edge of the Spirit of God. But sometimes, we lose our edge in the very things that we once were passionate about and end up becoming stuck in our relationship with the Lord...

Stepping Out in Faith eBook

Cost: $10.00
As believers, when we come to know Christ and commit our hearts to Him, there will always be moments in our walk with the Lord that the Spirit of God will demand and expect that we step out of the safety of our boats to take a walk of faith with Him...

Successions and Transitions EBook

Cost: $10.00
Unfortunately, leadership succession and transition is usually one of the sloppiest things that ever happens in the local church. Most of the time there is no real plan...

Surviving the Spirit of Betrayal eBook

Cost: $10.00
Betrayal is something that has happened to people since the beginning of time. But in spite of every betrayal that you have experienced, it is important to understand that you can always survive it. This book will inspire, challenge, and teach you how to really survive the spirit of betrayal and recommit again to your assignment with joy.

The ABCs of Deliverance eBook

Cost: $50.00
God’s desire is for us to be free and stay free in the Kingdom as we serve Him so that we can experience and enjoy the Zoe life that He promised us. The enemy’s plan is to keep us bound, oppressed, defeated, tormented and have control over our lives and our destiny, for the purpose of denying us the Zoe life...

The Anointing of an Apostolic Endorsement eBook

Cost: $15.00
The Endorser is one who gives his or her approval or recommends someone else. The person receiving the approval or recommendation is called the endorsee. There is an anointing that rests on an apostolic gift or man that releases the strength of an endorsement that brings restoration and thrust the believer to another level. And from Scripture to Scripture in the Bible, you will find this forgotten and neglected principle that most apostolic men walked in and activated in the lives of others and their ministers. The concept of endorsement is universal, especially in professional sports and entertainment. From Rodeo Drive to Madison Avenue, endorsements are everything. But why have we overlooked this powerful principle and the role it plays in the Church? Maybe it is because we have looked at endorsements more as a marketing ploy than a genuine Biblical principle. This book will teach you about the anointing of endorsements and then show you the process and the blessings of this powerful anointing when it is released and embraced.

The Anointing of Courage eBook

Cost: $11.00
We are called to fruitfulness whether in ministry, in vision, in our health, or in relationship. But the enemy will do anything and everything in his power to make sure we never come to the place of fruitfulness in our lives. But there is an ingredient and an anointing that keeps us on track in the pursuit of the dream of our heart in spite of the attack of the enemy. It is called courage.

The Anointing of Opportunity eBook

Cost: $12.00
Opportunity comes with so many different faces that we often don’t recognize it. That’s probably why we sometimes miss its call. Sometimes these opportunities may look like coincidences. These are the hand of God at work in situations and events of life with the aim of actualizing a divine purpose. The anointing of opportunity is divine and a divine opportunity is a set of events, circumstances or situations orchestrated and arranged by the Spirit of God that makes it possible for you to obtain or do something that you have never done before. But for this to happen you must learn to recognize an opportunity and then be prepared to walk in it. Dr. John Tetsola in this book teaches us the value of divine opportunities, how to identity and bring it into manifestation. In this book you will learn the following: • The importance of opportunity in the life of the believer • The opportunistic mindset • The opportunistic mindset and how it is developed. • How to identify an opportunity • How to prepare yourself for opportunity • Factors to consider before embracing an opportunity. • And much more

The Apostle and His House eBook

Cost: $25.00
The anointing on an apostle determines the ingredients and direction of his house. It is those ingredients and components in an apostle that makes his house apostolic in nature. Dr. Tetsola, in this powerful training manual explains the significant ingredients and components that should always be part of an apostolic house to make it apostolic in nature.

The Apostolic Community eBook

Cost: $15.00
Foundational to the apostolic reformation is the idea that the whole church is to be an apostolic people. We are not just talking about the restoration of apostles to the churches, but a restoration of the apostolic nature of the church itself. God is looking throughout the earth for a people upon whom He can pour out His Spirit in a particular way and for a particular purpose. He seeks a people who will allow Him to bring them into unity. Then with one heart and one mind, they will arise to do the work of God. The insight in this book will assist you in understanding how to transit your church into the apostolic reformation and how to build a true apostolic community where the Spirit of God is released to impart the lives of people.

The Apostolic Culture and Pattern eBook

Cost: $15.00
The Scripture says in Ephesians 2:20 that we “are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief Cornerstone.” The word apostolic is a functional word. It is the function of those who posses the anointing and who are walking within the confines of apostolicity. The apostolic ministry is one of the things that has been restored to the Church in this hour. The founding and grounding nature of the apostolic ministry and its anointing calls for identifying and equipping those qualified for leadership over the multiple works apostolic men are sent to establish. In this powerful book, you will learn and really understand the fullness of the apostolic ministry, its anointing, strategies and its applications.

The Apostolic Inheritance eBook

Cost: $15.00
This powerful book will show you how to discern the anointing on apostolic men, and how to activate and receive an apostolic inheritance.This powerful book will show you how to discern the anointing on apostolic men, and how to activate and receive an apostolic inheritance.

The Apostolic Made Simple Volume 1 - Understanding Apostolic Foundations eBook

Cost: $8.00
The word "apostolic" is not a theological perspective or doctrinal viewpoint. It is a functional word. It is the function of those who are walking within the confines of apostolicity. The apostolic ministry is very foundational in strength. It is one of many keys to opening the secrets of the kingdom of God in this hour. This book deals with key apostolic foundations that must be understood and embraced in order to properly build. Some of the chapters in this book discuss the following: • The emergence of the apostolic anointing •The enactment of appointments, ordinations, and installations • The strength of apostolic foundations and much more

The Apostolic Made Simple Volume 2 - Transitioning into the Apostolic Reformation and Understanding Apostolic Houses eBook

Cost: $8.00
Transitions are not easily embraced. A transition is a process, a passage, a move, and a change from one place method. or taste to another. It come with a great deal of pain and tremendous adjustment. Proper transitions are needed in order to fully understand and manifest the spirit of apostolicity. Transitional times are the silent times of our lives or of the life of a ministry when God lays the foundation and prepares us in private for public promotion. In this book, you will learn the following subjects that will assist you in understanding proper transition into the apostolic reformation. • The value of apostolic transitions • The apostolic reformation and anointing • Marks of an apostle and an apostolic house • Signs of an apostolic house • Keys to making an apostolic transition and much more

The Apostolic Made Simple Volume 3 - The Structural Flow of an Apostolic House that Releases Vision eBook

Cost: $8.00
Church government under the original apostles was so unique and free, and yet so effective that it defied dysfunction. First century church government was not dependent on form, but on the anointing of the leaders who held positions in it. It was not rigid, but flowed and matured like the life form that it was created to be. The apostles did not have a constitution that gave them the authority to dictate policy. Their main function was to lay a solid foundation of doctrine and to establish a church government that promoted liberty, not just conformity. In this powerful book, you will learn the following: • The hierarchies of an apostolic house • The release of the oneness anointing • The blessing in an apostolic house and much more

The Apostolic Made Simple Volume 4 - Creating an Apostolic Team that Builds Vision eBook

Cost: $8.00
An apostolic team spirit is a joint action by a group of believers in which each person subordinates his or her independence, interests, and opinions to the unity and efficiency of the team. This does not mean that the individuals are no longer important. It means that an effective and efficient team spirit and mindset goes beyond individual accomplishments. Dr. John Tetsola, explains how genuine apostolic teams are created and the struggles and pain of establishing apostolic teams. You will learn the following: • Understanding apostolic teams • How apostolic teams are created • Choosing apostolic team members • The struggles and pain of apostolic teams and much more

The Apostolic Made Simple Volume 5 - Building Apostolic Centers eBook

Cost: $8.00
Apostolic centers are houses and stations in cities region and nations that establish the rule of the Kingdom in that sphere, domain, and terrain. They administer the rule of the Kingdom. You cannot have kingdom rule without strong apostolic centers being established. Many of these centers cannot be established in regions and nations until the apostolic ministries are in their place. Dr. John Tetsola, in this powerful book explains what apostolic centers really are, how they are built and how the spirit of apostolicity is released from these centers. In this book, you will learn the following: • Understanding apostolic centers • The anointing of an apostolic center • The concept of an apostolic center • What is released from an apostolic center and much more

The Apostolic Made Simple Volume 6 - Understanding Apostolic Maturity and Ranks eBook

Cost: $10.00
All apostles are not on an equal plain or on the same level of maturity. There are five major levels of apostolic maturity and rank. Each maturity level determines the depth of the anointing the sphere of placement the strength of gifting, the measure of blessing and the measure of rule. Dr. John Tet ola, in this book, brings clarity and insights concerning the need to understand apostolic maturity and ranks to receive the fullness of the anointing that each apostolic man carries. In this book, you will learn the following: • Understanding apostolic maturity and ranks • The levels of apostolic anointing • The apostolic measure of rule and much more

The Art of Warfare in an Apostolic House EBook

Cost: $12.00
From the believer’s perspective, spiritual warfare is the cosmic war of good versus evil. Its battles are fought daily between God and satan, between believers and the world system. Spiritual warfare isn’t just casting out demons, it is also spirit controlled thinking and attitudes. Knowing how to effectively do spiritual warfare is critical for our lives, churches and families, especially as we do ministry. This book will help and train you in the art of spiritual warfare and the strategies to gain victory over the enemy. Some of the key chapters in this book are as follows:

The Baptism and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit EBook

Cost: $7.00
The baptism with the Holy Spirit refers to a gift we can receive after we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. It is a special empowering for ministry described as an infilling of the Holy Spirit and this idea of infilling is always associated with the extraordinary power for ministry. Dr. John Tetsola in this book explains the power of the baptism of the Holy Spirit and His gifting. In this book, you will learn the following: • What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit? • The benefits of the baptism of the Holy Spirit • Understanding the gifts of the Holy Spirit • The working of the gifts of the Holy Spirit • And much more

The Blueprint for Breakthrough eBook

Cost: $20.00
God’s ultimate desire is that the believer constantly walks in a breakthrough dimension in every area of life. But simply because that is His desire does not necessarily mean that it happens. Every breakthrough in a believer’s life demands that he or she embrace the responsibilities of it.

The Call, the Election, Your Purpose eBook

Cost: $8.00
Every believer was ordained to live a fulfilled life. A fulfilled life is a life of serving the mandate of God with strength and passion...

The Church Plant Guide EBook

Cost: $15.00
Planting a new church can feel like jumping out of an airplane without a parachute if you are not following the right steps. If you are new to planting, you have a ton of questions like, what steps are involved in planting a church? Why is there a need to plant a church in the first place? Or what exactly is involved in planting a church? Dr. John Tetsola is this powerful book shows you the process to navigating through the pitfalls of church planting and teaches you the ingredients to a successful church. In this book, you will be imparted with the following truths: • Understanding the call of God • What to do before church planting • How to develop a church culture • The pitfalls of church planting • The ingredients for a successful church • And much more

The Comfort Zone EBook

Cost: $11.00
When you study the lives of successful people, whether they’re Christians or unbelievers, even inclusive of the great patriarchs that we admire in the Bible, you will find that part of the reasons that they were successful in God was because they were willing to recognize the comfort zones in their lives and were determined to move beyond it. You will never be successful and advance progressively in any endeavor in your life if you are not willing to move from your comfort zone.

The Danger of Excuses eBook

Cost: $7.00
Excuses are the tools of the incompetent that builds monuments of nothingness, and those who make frequent use of them will seldom excel in anything. An excuse is the meat of a lie that is covered by the skin of a reason. There are no good excuses. All an excuse does is help you miss the mark. If you are going to learn to hit the mark, enjoy your potential and fulfill your destiny, you will have to come to an agreement within yourself, that there are no good excuses. As long as you dignify yourself with an excuse, you will stop thinking creatively, stop reaching your goals, stop stretching, and stop growing. In this book Dr. Tetsola exposes the spirit of excuse and it’s danger to the believer’s dreams

The Danger of Shortcuts eBook

Cost: $10.00
Whether we are trying to build a church, a ministry or reach the world through what God has given us, He still doesn’t have a short cut route to accomplish His purpose....

The Danger of Soul Wounds and Its Cures EBook

Cost: $12.00
God’s ultimate desire is for the believer to prosper, but for prosperity to really take place in our lives, we must first prosper and remain prosperous in our soul...

The Destructive Power of Rejection EBook

Cost: $12.00
Although none of us like to experience rejection, it is a fact of life that we will experience it in some form and at one time or another during our lifetime. Rejection is not discriminatory, and we have seen its devastating consequences in the lives of countless people regardless of gender, age, ethnicity or social status. Rejection is usually most associated with our true self, meaning we tie our identity into the interaction. We become dependent on being accepted or validated by others. You can begin to imagine what kind of unhealthy habits this could create for someone. Dr. John Tetsola in this powerful book, explains the danger and the destructive force of rejection and how it is remedied. In this book, you will come to understand the following: • The spirit of rejection itself • The picture of rejection in action • How rejection can be recognized • The pain of self-rejection • The damaging effects of rejection • And much more

The Diaconate eBook

Cost: $10.00
.One of the most neglected ministries in the Church today is the ministry of the Deacon. The anointing and the office of the Diaconate (Deacon) have been demeaned to a church maintenance ministry thereby preventing the full restoration of the Deacons’ anointing to the local church. The misconception and injustice to the Diaconate have caused men and women to lose value for the Deacons’ office. This book deals with the true importance of the Diaconate to the local church, the relationship of the Diaconate to the Shepherd and then reveals biblically the selection and appointment process of true Deacons.

The Difficulties of Pastoring EBook

Cost: $7.00
It is often said that the pastor’s job is one of the hardest jobs in America. Being a pastor is hard work. It is not for wimps. This is the reality. The job of a pastor can be 24/7 and carry unique challenges. Some pastors wear themselves out trying to help people. Some wound their families because they are so involved in ministry. In many situations, the pastor needs to be a Bible teacher, accountant, strategist, visionary, computer tech, counselor, worship director, prayer warrior, mentor, fundraiser and leadership trainer. Who can be all of that? Dr. John Tetsola in this book helps to bring understanding and clarity concerning the difficulties of the pastoralship and some insights on how it can be cured. In this book, you will learn the following: • Understanding the difficult challenges for pastors in the church • The difficulties pastors face in their personal life • Dealing with discouragement in ministry • Remedies for pastoral weariness • Pastoring difficult people • And much more

The Diligence Factor Ebook

Cost: $15.00
Diligence is the earnest, conscientious application of one’s energy to accomplish what has been undertaken.

The Dimension of the Faith Life eBook

Cost: $11.00
The supernatural dimension is an eternal realm that can only be accessed by faith. It is where all things exist and are complete. If you want to know and move in the supernatural, you need revelation and understanding of this dimension which is only acquired by faith. God created the natural realm, but He is not bound by it. The spiritual realm is superior to, and has dominion over the natural realm. While life’s circumstances are in the natural dimension, our breakthrough comes when we operate in a dimension of faith that brings about the supernatural. The insights in this book will teach you how to live and receive in the faith dimension. In this book you will learn the following: What the faith dimension really is, The faith that makes things happen, And much more

The Downfall of the Man of God eBook

Cost: $12.00
The enemy desires to break down the body of Christ by coming against its leaders...The enemy desires to break down the body of Christ by coming against its leaders. It is a common occurrence today to see and hear of leaders who once were successful in their service to God fall and fail in their assignment. It is a focal priority of the enemy in the last days. But it doesn’t have to be so. God’s plan for the man of God is to be successful and to complete his assignment. In this book, Dr. John Tetsola deals with key reasons why men of God fall and fail in their assignments.

The Dynamics of Destiny Helpers eBook

Cost: $15.00
God’s design for the believer is to walk in the fullness of all that He originally ordained for us before the foundation of the earth. And that plan, dream or destiny is often bigger than we know, recognize and are able to accomplish on our own. Because of this, God, in His plan has ordained and assigned helpers of various forms to connect to our lives at strategic moments to help us as we embark on the assignments. These helpers are what we call destiny helpers. Destiny helpers are supernatural gifts that are equipped, empowered, ordained, and designed by God to help you fulfill your destiny. Dr. John Tetsola in this powerful book teaches us who these helpers are, how to locate them, attract them in our lives and how to activate them on our behalf. In this book you will learn the following: • The importance of destiny helpers to God’s assignment • The six key truths about your destiny that attracts helpers to you • The types of destiny helpers that God brings into our life • The various forms in which destiny helpers appear in our lives • And much more

The Eagle Christian EBook

Cost: $7.00
Discovering and living out of our God-given potential is the heart cry of God for His people. But instead, the Church has operated on a chicken mentality, a mentality that makes the “coop” its permanent place of habitation. But God is now beckoning us to transcend our cultural norms, traditional stereotypes and ascend to where the eagles dwell.

The Endurance Factor Ebook

Cost: $15.00
There comes a time in the believer's life when we have to stand under immense pressure.

The Enemy of Your Assignment eBook

Cost: $10.00
God wants us to have fruitfulness and longevity in our assignments. But the enemy wants to destroy our assignment. One of the important ways Satan uses to destroy our assignment is through personal sins and desires. Finney said, “give me one hundred preachers who fear nothing but sin, and desire nothing but God, and such alone will shake the gates of hell and set up the Kingdom of Heaven on earth”. We can see how the enemy has immobilized, paralyzed and destroyed the anointing and ministry of great men and women of God, because they fail to recognize the enemy of their assignment. The insight in this book will teach and enable you to personally deal with those hindrances and enemies of your assignment, so that you can fulfill the call of God upon your life.

The Faithfulness Factor Ebook

Cost: $15.00
Faithfulness is one of the major characteristics of God’s nature. The faithfulness of God is true and has been proven many times. It is starkly evident in His relationship with His people.

The Gap Closer EBook

Cost: $15.00
Intercession is defined as holy, believing, persevering prayer whereby someone pleads with God on behalf of another or others who desperately need God’s intervention. An intercessor is one who takes the place of another or pleads another’s case. An intercessor is the unseen warrior who fights the battle in the background on behalf of the people. Jesus Christ is our model for intercessory prayer. Jesus stands before God and between Him and sinful man, just as the Old Testament priest did. Dr. John A. Tetsola in this book deals with the power of intercession and how to develop the culture in the local church. In this book, you will be imparted by the following: • An understanding of intercessory prayer • How to make prayer and intercession the foundation of your church • Developing a prayer team • The different types of intercession • And much more

The Holy Spirit's Power eBook

Cost: $25.00
One of the most forgotten, neglected, and unheralded Person, yet the most important in our life and in the church is the Holy Spirit...

The House Prophet and the Presbytery EBook

Cost: $11.00
The role of the house or resident prophet and its understanding cannot be overstated in this season. No matter how we feel about the prophetic, whether we allow it in our church or not, the house or resident prophet’s role is key to embracing the prophetic culture and its operation in a local assembly. The increased dominance of perverted truth, false teaching, the occult and darkness in our society demands that we truly embrace the prophetic office and its anointing in understanding the training, the development and the functionality of the house prophets and the presbytery.

The Impacting Church EBook

Cost: $7.00
God wants us to be corporate in our thinking and not territorial in our desire. He desires for us to reach out beyond our local churches to our cities and make impact that brings transformation and revival. Repeatedly throughout the scriptures, we see God’s concern for cities and the people within them, both those inhabited and dominated by His people and those that were not. God is just as concerned today about cities as He was back then, and therefore so should we. Dr. John Tetsola in this book shows us the importance of having strong vision for our cities and the strategies to implementing them. In this book you will learn the following: • The importance of having a vision for your city • Developing a strategy to reach your city • Developing a church that reflects diversity • And much more

The Jesus Factor eBook

Cost: $25.00
An understanding of the concepts of power and authority is indispensable to any form of effective leadership. At an elementary level, power is the ability to do something. Authority refers to the legitimate permission to exercise power. Jesus set the example for the use of power and authority in spiritual leadership in the church...

The Kingdom Life EBook

Cost: $25.00
The need for the knowledge and understanding of the working of the Kingdom of God has never been as important as it is for the church today...

The Laws of Increase EBook

Cost: $12.00
The nature of the Kingdom is increasing not decreasing, its growth, not immaturity, and its fruitfulness not barrenness. When we are in the Kingdom of God our lives should be marked by an increase in every viable area. Christ increases and ultimately He came to increase the lives of all, therefore it is illegal for any believer to live with a mindset of decrease.

The Local Church Blueprint EBook

Cost: $12.00
Strong local houses or churches are not built overnight. They are built by the pressure of certain ingredients. One of those key ingredients is commitment. Generally speaking, in society today many people are very bad about making solid commitments and following through on them. However, disciples of Jesus Christ should be known by a completely different character. Although every true child of God becomes part of God’s invisible, universal church the moment they are born again, not every child of God is committed to a local church and the vision. Commitment is one of key ingredients to building a strong and healthy local house in a region. In this book, Dr. John A. Tetsola explains powerfully some of the significant ingredients to building a strong local house in a region. This book will teach you the following: • The importance of understanding the vision of a house • The making of commitments to vision and the house • Developing the passion to accomplish the vision of a house • Having a heart for evangelism • And much more

The Making Process of God's Leaders eBook

Cost: $15.00
Where does the Church stand in today’s society of confusion and hopelessness? The Church stands where its leaders lead her to stand. We need a new breed of leaders today who will rise to the challenge and become a champion in the Body of Christ. The world is groping for effective leadership, and the Church is too.

The Moving of the Ark eBook

Cost: $12.00
The Ark of God symbolizes the presence of God among His people. It symbolizes the glory of god revealed to God’s people and the fullness of the God head bodily. We do not have a physical ark today, but we have the presence of God in us. The problem is that when we begin to walk in sin and do our own thing, we cause the presence of God in us and around us to depart, thereby leaving us to operate on our own without the fullness of God’s anointing, power, and presence. In this book, Dr. Tetsola powerfully shows us how to fully embrace and maintain the visitation of the Lord that is released by the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

The Mysteries of an Open and Closed Heaven eBook

Cost: $25.00
God’s plan and intention is that the believer walks under an open heaven on a consistent basis. But simply because that is His desire for the believer, it does not necessarily mean that it always happens. Instead, more Christians walk under and experience a closed heaven than an open heaven.

The Mysteries of Revival eBook

Cost: $15.00
How often do we see revival banners stretched across the front of empty church buildings? Or see printed invitations to attend revival meeting at a special location only to find them packed with people who travel with that particular group. Real Christians want desperately to experience a corporate revival, but few understand the personal preparation needed for a revival...

The New Apostolic Shift EBook

Cost: $11.00
We are living in the church’s greatest hour. It is an hour of spiritual restoration and renewal. The Spirit of God is moving throughout the earth, making an impact in the lives of individuals, churches, and displaying tremendous manifestations of His sovereign power and glory. The body of Christ is seeing the total return of the church to her original New Testament glory and pattern. In the midst of this restoration, is the making and emergence of new apostolic and prophetic armies (voices) to accomplish God’s agenda. These will represent a group of apostolic and prophetic leaders that will bring refreshing and strength to what the Spirit of God is establishing in the body.

The Oil of Excellence eBook

Cost: $10.00
Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better. It is going beyond average and mediocre in life...

The Oil of His Presence eBook

Cost: $10.00
We are living in an age that demands that we must have God’s power to survive and that power is re-leased through the manifestation of the anointing...

The Pastor's Heart eBook

Cost: $11.00
Throughout history, the question regarding one of the most dramatic departures of a man of God and the dramatic beginnings of his successor has brought incredible insight and revelation to how the heart and spirit of a pas- tor can be transferred to his congregation to accomplish the vision of the local church. There is a reward, not just in heaven, but here on earth as well, for those who know that God has linked them to a pastor and who have stayed faithful to their pastor even through times of adversity. This book deals with the pastor’s heart. It deals with how to receive and maintain the pastor’s heart, how to lose the pastor’s heart, raising armor bearers around the pastor, understanding your pastor's voice and much more

The Pastor's Role and Responsibility eBook

Cost: $7.00
The goal of the pastor is to reveal the Glory of God in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit to a people who need God’s grace for life. Pastors do not seek fame or recognition for themselves, but they are placed in a position of authority by the Holy Spirit. This spiritual gift is one that carries many different responsibilities. These responsibilities can often become very overwhelming and when not handled properly can cause a pastor to quit. Dr. Tetsola in this book brings understanding to the pastor’s responsibilities and several helpful points. In this book, you will learn the following: • The spiritual gift of the pastors • The traditional versus the contemporary roles of the pastor • The pastor’s responsibilities in ministry • Practical points for endurance in ministry • And much more

The Pit of Loneliness EBook

Cost: $12.00
Loneliness is a state of mind, an emotion brought on by feelings of separation from other human beings. The sense of isolation is deeply felt by those who are lonely. Loneliness is not about being with people. We can feel lonely even while surrounded by others, and not feel lonely when we are alone. Loneliness is an emotional state in which we feel isolated or completely alone in the world. It is a horrible pit that drowns an individual into depression until it eventually leads him astray into choices and decisions that are contrary to the will of God. In this powerful book, Dr. Vickie Tetsola clearly explains what the pit of loneliness really is and shows us how to break the bondage of loneliness and walk in the wholeness of God. In this book you will learn the following: • What loneliness really is • Causes of loneliness • The damaging effects of loneliness • Breaking free from the pit of loneliness • And much more

The Pitfalls of Offense eBook

Cost: $10.00
Unfortunately, offense is one of the enemy’s most common and successful tools used against the believer. Far too many believers have fallen prey to the trap of offense. However, this destructive result is not limited to churches. The enemy uses offense to cause destruction in businesses, marriages, families and friendships. Some of the strongest, and most lengthy relationships have been destroyed due to one moment of offense. Offense carries with it great power to stunt and halt our growth. Dr. Tetsola in this book shows us how to discover the spirit of offense in operation and avoid its pitfalls. In this book, you will be imparted with the following truths. • Offense and its dangers • The characteristics of the easily offended • How to discern an offense • How to overcome the trap of offense • And more

The Power and Habits of Holiness eBook

Cost: $15.00
Holiness and holy living as a lifestyle are subjects that have seemingly been lost in the church and that many must embrace today. God, through the sacrifice of Christ has made us a holy people and we should seek to live this way.

The Power and Reward of a God Instruction eBook

Cost: $18.00
Instructions are God’s tools for guiding us toward success, victories, and progress. They are directions from God to the believer. They cover every phase of man’s life in his relationship with God and his fellow man. However, if neglected, dire consequences can ensue.

The Power of Excellence and Its Blessings eBook

Cost: $10.00
God has called the church to a life of excellence because God is an excellent God. Excellence is to be displayed and demonstrated in every area of our lives and ministry. Excellence is not aptitude. It is an attitude and a lifestyle.

The Power of Honor Ebook

Cost: $11.00
Consistently throughout Scripture, God intends for that which a leader carries, walks in, or has upon his life to be activated and transferred to the sons of the house who serve their leader...Consistently throughout Scripture, God intends for that which a leader carries, walks in, or has upon his life to be activated and transferred to the sons of the house who serve their leader. God does this through the spirit of honor. Honor is not just for the purpose of respect and appreciation. Honor means to value. To value means to hold something or someone in high regard and esteem in your heart and in your sight. What you don’t esteem in your heart, you can’t esteem in your sight.

The Power of Sacrifice and Its Blessings eBook

Cost: $15.00
The Christian life is full of sacrifices, and how far you go with Christ depends on how much you are willing to sacrifice for Him. Sacrifice is our reasonable service of worship to God. God will never demand anything of us that He has not already given us the ability to do.

The Power of Self Discipline eBook

Cost: $10.00
Self-discipline is the link between childhood and adulthood. It is the link between immaturity and maturity. It is the link between liability and responsibility. Only truly self-disciplined people become distinguished adults. Without discipline, they can be distracted.

The Power of Spiritual Hunger eBook

Cost: $25.00
To hunger and thirst for God is at the very root of our being. It is the way God made us. People who affect other people corporately, first has a personal fire burning in them. It is that personal fire that ignites the fire of others. Spiritual hunger is the foundation that undergirds our growth, and that makes godly encounters with The Lord possible. When we have a strong hunger for the things of God, it is a sign that we are spiritually healthy. It is the most important quality that God looks for in our life. Why? Because it is the key indicator that we are still in love with Him. In this powerful book, Dr. John Tetsola shows us how to grow and maintain our hunger and passion for God’s presence. In this book you will learn the following: • The importance of spiritual hunger • The impact of spiritual hunger in the believer’s life • The signs of loss of hunger • How to develop a fresh hunger for The Lord • And much more

The Power of the Inward Man eBook

Cost: $11.00
The inward man is the spirit of man. It is the regenerated you. It is the man that is made after God. It is the sphere in which the Holy Spirit does His renewing and saving work. It is the new man or the man according to grace. The success of the believer’s life hinges on the strength of his inward man and not his outward man. The strength of your inward man will determine the strength of your Christian walk and how successful you become in your relationship with God. You can never progress in life beyond the capacity of your inward man.

The Power of the Joining of the Lord eBook

Cost: $12.00
The joining of the Lord is the divine covenant, the divine agreement, and connection that God brings us into to unite our lives, our vision, and destiny with people...The joining of the Lord is the divine covenant, the divine agreement, and connection that God brings us into to unite our lives, our vision, and destiny with people He has called us to and places He has ordained for us to help fulfill the agenda of God on earth. Anytime God joins something together, the joining cannot be tampered with. It is divine and it is backed by everything heaven possesses. This very insightful book will teach you how to locate, connect, and build the kind of relationships that will assist you in executing the purposes of God.

The Power of the Planting of the Lord eBook

Cost: $11.00
There is no doubt that God’s desire for us is that we flourish as children of God. To flourish means that we are blossoming, bringing forth Godly fruit in and through our lives. One of the most important things to happen in a believer’s life is to get planted in the house of the Lord that God has for him. This is why satan has worked at getting people out of God’s house. The last thing that the devil wants is for believers to flourish and grow spiritually. You will always have those who will say they don’t need to go to church in order to develop spiritually, but that is not what the Word of God says. Whenever we begin to develop our own belief system that does not go along with the Word of God, we are falling into idolatry. Dr. John A. Tetsola in this book, exposes and explains the importance of the planting of the Lord and its blessings. In this book, you will come to understand the following: • The importance of being planted • The ten thoughts on uprooting from a local church • The enemy’s strategies to uproot you • How to flourish where you are planted • And much more

The Power of the Tithe eBook

Cost: $7.00
God has identified some of the money we make as His. Ten percent of everything you earn – the tithe – belongs to God. In our modern world, that money is given to support the work of the local church. Tithing is a matter of the heart. It is a demonstration of our love to God. Tithing is a command with a promise. The promises of God always come to pass. Dr. John A. Tetsola in this book helps to bring clarity and understanding concerning this controversial subject. In this book, you will come to understand the following: • What the tithe really is • The history of tithing • Tithing God’s way • Understanding the laws of harvest • And much more

The Power Seedtime and Harvest EBook

Cost: $7.00
Everything that God created comes from and reproduces after its own kind. Everything that God created is self-sustaining and self-perpetuating. A seed is a self-contained unit designed for the reproduction of a species. Planting seeds and getting harvests are a part of the essential design of God’s creation as well as being an essential part of God’s hidden nature and character. In this powerful book, Dr. John Tetsola explains in simplicity the power of seedtime and harvest and how to walk fully in it. This book will reveal to you these key important truths: • What seed, time and harvest really are • How to receive your wants, needs and desires • The principle that governs giving • The enemies of prosperity • And much more

The Power to Overcome eBook

Cost: $15.00
Every Christian is faced with certain challenges in their daily walk through life. We must learn to overcome these challenges and live our lives victoriously in Christ. To overcome in the biblical sense means to live in the victory of Jesus Christ. It means to live in victory over the old nature and to live in victory under the new nature.

The Price for Walking in Apostolic Power eBook

Cost: $25.00
God’s desire is that we walk and demonstrate His power to the world. Every willing believer has the Master’s promise of power. However, not everyone possesses and walks in the promised power. This is because it is not something that you seek out or search for. Apostolic power is the degree of divine grace and capacity upon an apostolic man or an apostolic house...

The Pride Trap eBook

Cost: $15.00
One of the greatest, most dangerous, yet often successful traps the enemy uses against the believer is the pride trap. The spirit of pride is rightfully distinguished as the foremost among the seven “deadly sins,” each of the seven equally as deadly, but none quite as notorious as this “sin of the devil.” Pride is by far one of the most subtle and detrimental spirits the believer can walk in, and a dangerous enemy. It is a spirit that establishes division in relationships, unholy hierarchies in communities and even divides God from His people. It pits you against your Maker. Pride has been called “the cancer of the soul, the beginning of all sin, and sin in its final form.” Dr. John Tetsola in this powerful book unveils the destructive power of pride, its dangers and how it can be overcome. In this book, you will learn the following: • The danger of the spirit of pride • The destructive work of pride • Discerning the spirit of pride at work • The fruit of pride • How to escape the pride trap • And much more

The Process to Walking in the Spirit eBook

Cost: $7.00
Walking in the Spirit means being obedient to the Spirit – to the instructions and directives which the Spirit of God brings to you. Life in the Spirit is a process and a journey. There is no short cut to learning how to walk with the Spirit. It is not just for the ultra- spiritual people nor is it reserved for charismatic Christians. Life according to the Spirit is not simply trying to do the right thing, nor is it trying to live according to God’s law. Walking in the Spirit is the central metaphor for describing what is means to live as a Christian. Dr. John A. Tetsola in this book shows us how to effectively walk in the spirit without constantly stumbling. In this book, you will learn about the following: • Understanding the things of the Spirit • What it means to walk in the Spirit • How to walk in the Spirit • The hindrances to walking in the Spirit • And much more

The Prophetic Strength eBook

Cost: $10.00
The prophetic anointing is a battle-ax that is used to bring deliverance to people, to situations and the restoration of dead dreams and visions. This anointing has the strength to change situations. In this book, Dr. John Tetsola details the characteristics of the prophetic anointing, the prophetic strength and the demonstration of the anointing to open barren visions and barren circumstances. The anointing upon the truths in this book will produce deliverance in your life.

The Provision Power of God eBook

Cost: $12.00
Among the eastern cultures, natural barrenness was often considered to be a family’s greatest misfortune. God wants to turn our barrenness into fruitfulness. Like natural barrenness, we often go through dry and rough seasons without any logical explanation. But God always has a plan if we will be open to Him. God’s plan is to always take us from barrenness to fruitfulness. Dr. Tetsola in this powerful book lays out the process of how the power of God takes us through a barren season to a fruitful season. This book will teach you the following: • Turning seasons of barrenness into fruitfulness • The promise of provisional supply • Markers of a prosperous soul • How not to miss the provision of God • And much more

The Role of Deliverance in Contemporary Times eBook

Cost: $12.00
Many Christians go through their spiritual lives ignorant of their need for understanding and participating in spiritual warfare. Spiritual warfare is the key weapon of deliverance in the life of every believer in the body of Christ. The destiny God has promised the saints is not handed to us on a silver platter, nor is it going to simply fall into our laps. All the days of our Christian lives we are going to have to fight to obtain and maintain the blessings of the kingdom God has promised us. In this book, Dr. Tetsola brings clarity to the ministry of deliverance and God’s power to bring wholeness to the believer. This book will teach you the following: • What deliverance really is • The new role of deliverance • Building a deliverance team in the local church • The process for training deliverance ministries • The key elements to success in deliverance • And much more

The School of the Spirit Manual eBook

Cost: $50.00
The supernatural life is a practiced lifestyle, and it is for the believer. It is a way of living from the dimension of the spirit realm to the physical realm. All believers are called to live this way. God’s intention is to always showcase Himself through us by demonstrating His power over the circumstances and situations that we experience. This ought to be a regular occurrence in the believer’s life. But for this to happen and remain a constant occurrence, we must come to understand the importance and power of the anointing of the Holy Spirit, its fruits and the activation of its gifts in us to produce God’s power in the earth realm. Dr. John Tetsola in this manual teaches us the importance of the supernatural realm through the activation of the anointing, its fruits and its gifts. In this book you will be trained in the following areas: • The mysteries of the anointing power • How to live an anointed life • How to provoke the anointing to work for you • The making of the anointing • The importance, the activation, and release of the gifts of the spirit • The working of the fruit of the spirit • And much more

The Secret Power of Humility eBook

Cost: $15.00
Humility is one of the most important aspects of godly character. God emphasizes it more than any other character trait in the Scriptures, except love. Why?...

The Shepherd's Hurt and Disappointments eBook

Cost: $15.00
Pastoring churches has sunken to near the bottom of the list of most respectable vocations by most observers. Often time, pastors were listed right above used car salesmen in perceived trustworthiness. Even though there is the joy of pastoring, there are many other things that pastors must face and endure that others may never have to deal with. The pastorate often brings its own types of pain and disappointment. In this powerful book, Dr. John A. Tetsola teaches us how to handle and walk through the pain, hurt and disappointment of ministry while shepherding God’s people. This book will teach you the following: • The pain and disappointment in ministry • The betrayal in ministry • The comparison factor • The family conflict in ministry • And much more

The Snare of the Devil eBook

Cost: $10.00
Temptation is a snare of the devil. Everyone will always have the opportunity to be tempted...

The Sounds of Heaven eBook

Cost: $12.00
Worshipping God is not about a ritual or prayer repetition or about reciting our wish list on a daily basis. True worship requires total commitment of our body, mind and spirit. It is about exalting, adoring and acknowledging the God of the Bible. It has nothing to do with religion, but it has everything to do with having an intimate and profound relationship with God. To many, worship is associated with singing. But there are certainly other types of worship. The most important way to show our devotion to God is through our everyday lives of obedience. In this book, Dr. John Tetsola explains the power of worship and praise and how it releases a breakthrough. This book will teach you the following: • Understanding praise and worship • The seven types of praise • How to develop a praise and worship team • Avoiding the pitfalls in praise and worship • And much more

The Spirit of Divination and Its Danger eBook

Cost: $20.00
From ancient times, people have used divination to gain knowledge of the future or as a way to make money. Divination in any form is sin and yet it is constantly practiced by believers. It is not harmless entertainment or an alternate source of wisdom.

The Strength of Spiritual Authority and Anointing eBook

Cost: $12.00
Any real authority has its origin in God. That means that God also gives and removes authority. The word authority is exousia (Greek): the power of rule or government; the legal right to speak or initiate action. The word “power” is duanmis (Greek): the supernatural strength and ability to carry out a task. This power is given to us by the Holy Spirit. Dr. Tetsola shows us how authority and the anointing walk together to produce a God result. He explains that believers can effectively walk in them by learning the principles to activate them.

The Strength of the Established Heart eBook

Cost: $12.00
Being in the Kingdom and serving God does not make us immune to troubled lives. The trails and difficulties that come into our lives are for us to flex the muscle of an established heart. The success of your life is based on the strength of your heart. The established heart is a heart is fixed and does not quit easily. This heart is constantly anchored in truth and in God.

The Stronghold of Insecurity eBook

Cost: $12.00
Most people feel insecure at some point in their life and some experience insecurity over extended periods of time, even life-long. The stronghold of insecurity brings chaos in one’s life and with it, a shift in perspective which leads to a decrease in the quality of life and ability to experience and enjoy the promises of God. It is based on a negative mindset that predetermines a person’s response and interpretation of a thing through or from a negative perspective.

The Supernatural Power of God eBook

Cost: $10.00
God’s desire is to manifest His supernatural power on our behalf. If the church is going to experience the manifestation of the supernatural power of God, we must understand the concepts and principles that release God’s power...

The Supernatural Strength of Fasting eBook

Cost: $11.00
Fasting is defined as voluntarily going without food in order to focus on prayer and fellowship with God...Fasting is defined as voluntarily going without food in order to focus on prayer and fellowship with God. Specifically, we humbly deny something of the flesh to glorify God, to enhance our spirit, and to go deeper in our prayer life. When your hunger and thirst for God is greater than your natural desire for food, you begin to develop a depth in your spirit where you can push into the depths of God. This book will introduce you to a new understanding of fasting and create a fresh appetite and desire for the practice of fasting and prayer.

The Tragedy of Betrayal eBook

Cost: $12.00
The spirit of betrayal is the number one cause of division and splits in the local church. This spirit destroys the very core of that which annexes, which is a covenant. The enemy goes to work in a church through undermining loyalty. Betrayal does not begin overnight. It is a process. It is an ongoing leaking in a defective heart toward leadership that eventually manifests.

The Transforming Power of the Blessing of God eBook

Cost: $15.00
All our lives, we have heard the word blessing. The subject of blessing is mentioned in the Bible about 600 times and its opposite cursing, about 200 times. That makes this subject a major theme of the Scriptures...

The Tyranny of Familiarity eBook

Cost: $15.00
The most important characteristic of human nature is called Familiarity. This is the tendency of human nature to eventually despise, place less value on, and even hate something or someone they once loved because they have now placed less value on it. This is a very dangerous spirit. These are the tactics of the enemy to hinder the believer from receiving the favor of God. This book deals with how to locate the development of this spirit in your life, and how to overcome and break its hold over your life.

The Value of the Local Church eBook

Cost: $12.00
The local church is a very significant part of church life. However, the strength and the dimension of the local church in the plan of God has been greatly devalued in the sight of most Christians because of their ignorance of its purpose and benefits. The value of the local church has to return back to the believer.

The Walk That Destroys Your Enemy eBook

Cost: $13.00
God has made available to us all the things that pertain to life and godliness, including His authority and power to live in the dimension of victory. The activation of this dimension of living is based on the degree of our obedience to Him...

The Warrior Anointing in Warfare eBook

Cost: $12.00
Walking with God in every area of life often involves conflicts, struggles, and battles that you have to triumph over in order to accomplish the purposes and agendas of God. Our success as believers in these conflicts and battles are dependent on processing the right mindset for warfare. It is in this mindset that the warrior anointing is released for victory.

The Will of God and His Blessings eBook

Cost: $15.00
The subject of the will of God is very important to the believer’s life and lifestyle. Our success and victories depend on it...

True Apostolic Covering eBook

Cost: $10.00
An Apostolic Covering is the process and the mechanism of spiritually shielding, protecting and providing true fathering and mentorship to individuals, leaders, churches, ministries or groups of people in the body of Christ. The principle of covering is established in the order of fathers – relationship to their sons. This is the basis of all meaningful ministry in both the Old and New Testaments. True Apostolic Covering is never identified by the ownership of an ephod, but by the possession of a father’s heart that is turned toward his sons. There are different types and categories of coverings and whatever covering you are under will influence as well as determine your destiny.

Understanding Biblical Discipline and Correction eBook

Cost: $10.00
The lack of Discipline and Correction in the believer’s life can cause them to pay an enormous price. God’s corrective measures are always engulfed with a sense that we truly belong to Him. The Bible tells us that it is through the work of discipline and correction that God proves to us that He loves and that we belong to Him. Correction and Discipline are ordained by God. It is God’s instrument for building character and maturity in the believer’s life.

Understanding Divine Placement and Alignment eBook

Cost: $12.00
God has given us the earth as our assignment. However, there are areas of jurisdiction given us by God on the earth where we would have more authority, more influence, and more strength than we would have in other areas.

Understanding Kingdom Prosperity eBook

Cost: $7.00
God wants everyone to prosper, and He has given us all the abilities and the power to prosper. However, prosperity begins with understanding our role. We are God's stewards. Our lives, talents, abilities and living in a world of unparalleled opportunity are all gifts from God. By meditating on His word about how He has already given us all the ability to prosper, this book will give you insight and revelation into becoming prosperous and a good steward for your Father God. Dr. Tetsola in this book explains with clarity the process and progressiveness of how God prospers the believer. In this book you will come to understand the following: • The keys to prosperity • The road to prosperity • How to keep the window of heaven open over your life • And much more

Understanding the Divine Timing of God eBook

Cost: $12.00
There is coming upon the Church, in this hour, a fresh new move of God...There is coming upon the Church, in this hour, a fresh new move of God. This move will rid the Church of her grave clothes, her wilderness garments and the things that have been hindering individuals in the Body of Christ from blossoming into the men and women of God that can be used with authority, dominion, and the ability to fulfill His work. This will come into existence by “Understanding The Divine Timing of God.”

Understanding the Dynamics of Multiplication eBook

Cost: $7.00
At some time in our life, we can all remember the multiplication tables. We were tested with those flash cards. But, what about a different kind of multiplication?...

Unlocking the Mysteries of Prayer eBook

Cost: $50.00
One of the most vital weapons that is made available to the believer is the weapon of prayer. And yet it is one of the most neglected, mistaught, and misunderstood weapons in the believer’s life. Prayer is like the air we breathe. Just as we cannot live life without breathing, we cannot be successful, or grow and advance in our Christian life without an effective prayer life. Prayer is absolutely crucial to knowing God, relating to Him and experiencing His power and grace in your everyday life. But just praying is not enough. We want our prayers to be effective and prevailing in nature. For this to happen we must understand the mechanics and the laws that govern prevailing prayers. In this powerful manual, Dr. John Tetsola teaches us the different types of prayer, how they are prayed and the laws that govern their effectiveness. In this manual you will come to learn and understand the following: • Prayer and its importance • How to properly pray to see results? • Developing the hunger for prayer • Understanding the Biblical types of prayer and how it works • The laws of prevailing prayer • And much more

Unmasking the Spirit of Weariness eBook

Cost: $12.00
Weariness is a spirit from the enemy that is planted in the life of believers just to deprive the manifestation of God’s promises in their lives. The spirit of weariness makes you feel as if God has forgotten or abandoned you. It makes you feel helpless and hopeless. Weariness is defined as extreme tiredness and fatigue in the soul. It is the reluctance to see or experience any more of something, exhausted strength, failing endurance or washed-out vigor.

Wealth Creation God's Way eBook

Cost: $12.00
Kingdom wealth operates on the premise of God’s economy. Like all dimensions of God’s Kingdom, Jesus explained that it starts like a grain of mustard seed, small and harmless, but potent and unstoppable in its growth. God’s economy is first spiritual and then it manifests in the physical once we adhere in faith to God’s instructions. Any wealth created or obtained outside of God has failure attached to it in one area or another.

Weary Yet Pursuing eBook

Cost: $10.00
Are you tired of waiting for a vision or a promise of God to be fulfilled in your life? Have you received it, believed it and fought the good fight of faith with it and still have yet to see it come to pass? Don’t give up. You are in a season of delay. That is exactly the way it is when God takes control of your life. He gives you a Word, a promise, a vision and begins to set in motion all the things that are required to bring it to being. But He does not cause it to be fulfilled until just the right moment.

Winning the War of the Mind eBook

Cost: $20.00
The stronghold of our warfare or battle is in the mind. Until you win the war of the mind, you cannot win the war of life. It first begins in your mind. The weapon of our warfare is to be directed first and foremost to the thoughts of our mind. Until you first become an overcomer within, you cannot become an overcomer without. Your mind is the battle ground of your life. You must know how to capture every evil thought and bring it into the compliance of God’s Word. Until you arrest your thoughts, you will remain arrested and controlled by it. Dr. John Tetsola in this powerful book teaches us the secrets to winning the war of the mind to properly embrace and walk in the mind of Christ. In this book you will learn the following: • The importance of the mind • The power of thoughts • The demand for mind renewal • Gaining victory over impure and negative thoughts • And much more

Wisdom's Quest eBook

Cost: $11.00
Wisdom is called the principle thing. Its importance cannot be overemphasized in the believer’s life. Wisdom is the ability to apply knowledge. It is the key ingredient that activates success in the life of the believer, and it helps resolve life’s issues and problems. This book takes you on a journey on Wisdom’s Quest and how it helps to resolve life’s issues.

Your Calling in God eBook

Cost: $10.00
The call of God is a serious matter that demands understanding and assessment of one’s heart and motives for its fulfillment. The purpose which is locked within you has a timing and season in which to be unlocked, in which the veil is pulled away, and we are confronted with the reality of His call.
